Joe’s Fund


The Singapore Cat Named Joe

Occasionally an animal comes along and embeds itself in your life for a year or for a long time; Joe was an adventurer for almost 20 years after he adopted his family in Singapore. As a feral kitten, he was not particularly handsome; very scrawny with the characteristic short tail of that breed. Almost a solid black cat, he was not particularly welcomed by some. Oh, but he had large and bright yellow eyes plus a personality second to none. And, he matured to become a very handsome guy.



Upon moving to Dubai, Joe and his “dad” traveled via Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where his unseemly behavior caused them to leave the Business Lounge and lay low in the airport until they could board the flight. He was not a mean guy, but he had a very quick temper and allowed very little interference with his person.

He loved the even warmer and more humid climate of Dubai but was disdainful of the local vets who “interfered” with him. While in the Middle East, it was thought that Joe had developed a heart disease and his family corresponded regularly with a local Ruston vet and LSU for proper treatment. One of these was fresh fish daily – one might wonder if Joe was faking an illness?

His trip from Dubai to Ruston via Frankfurt and Atlanta was eventful. Again, told not to interfere with Joe while he was in transit, the Dubai vet helper decided to pet Joe and the outcome was not good for the helper! Although Joe was lost in transit for a few hours, Joe finally arrived in Ruston and lived here for many satisfying years, bringing much pleasure and love to his family who loved him in return with all their hearts.

It is with Joe in mind that his family created and named “Joe’s Memorial Fund” to assist animals and their people as needs be.

Cypress Creek is currently selling t-shirts, pet name tags, collars, leashes, and harnesses to help support the fund. You can also make a donation to Joe’s fund at checkout! We also accept donations in the clinic directly towards the fund.